Access to media authorship is difficult and uncharted. These days, you would think that the code to accessing and using the world’s most powerful media and news publications would have been not only been cracked, but infiltrated by PRs and Search Marketers.
It hasn’t.
The iron wall of authorship is as tough as ever, and in just the last two years that reality has become a headache for Public Relations firms attempting to secure their message to a global audience.
Why publications are nervous to publish you
Over the years, Google has been rolling out updates to give its users the best results possible. Currently, these updates include rewards for websites whose content falls under these guidelines:
- The author demonstrates the expertise, authority and trust to write about the topic in question.
- The content is based on reader value, not its ability to promote a person, product, or brand.
- The website is structured to give a good user experience
As an example, back in 2013, Forbes’ online magazine opened the floodgates to contributors. This meant every Frank, Sally and Harry with no true industry knowledge could apply for the privilege to write on the Forbes website. The result was thousands of writers simply using the prestigious Forbes platform to promote themselves and/or their clients.
Kudos to Forbes for trying out something new, but this particular misstep came with some big ramifications: Forbes took a huge hit from Google, losing millions of readers per month. In 2017-18 Forbes, along with pretty much every other major magazine and outlet, started cleaning shop.
Why you are now needed
Editors at top-tier publications yearn for ongoing, valuable content but are spread increasingly thin trying to efficiently vet the elite writers out of the thousands of weekly submissions — and they do their diligence. Here’s what they ask:
- Does the author have a proven record of experience in the industry or topic they re writing about? (Education, work history, credentials.)
- Does the author have a recent, credible footprint of publishing?
- Are their insights unique, genuine, and relevant for their readership?
- Do they have a track record of adherence to submission guidelines (Spoiler: Forbes has a strict, 38-page publishing manual)?
Sounds exhausting—who’s got time to do all this?
For years now, Massive has maintained strong relationships with over 700 mainstream and niche publications. Not to send out endless PR pitches, but to secure you, the executive, an authorship on these publications.
All of the challenges listed above have now been codified into a simple, stress-free, monthly program called Executive Leadership Branding.
The world of PR has changed. We too must evolve with it. The road to media domination is secured with authorship.